
Blackjack Curse Of The Crimson Throne


You’ve been drawn together for a reason, a common enemy, Gaedren Lamm. You all received invites from Zallera, a woman that had been hurt by Gaedren and wanted revenge.

She sent you to deal with Gaedren. You assassinated him in his sleep (not very Lawful Good, are we?) On him you discovered a broch of higher make. You tried to sell it and were informed that no honest merchant in this city would buy it, as it had the royal seal on it. Clearly stolen from the palace. You also discover the head of the women that sent you here, Zallera.

When Blackjack was fighting the axeman over Trinia, he had almost been struck down if an arrow shot by Sav had not alerted him to the attacker behind him. Blackjack Curse of the Crimson Throne Shimon Shimon Shimon 2015-09-01T11:48:13Z 2015-12-06T10:33:32Z. Curse of the crimson throne is rather easy to convert. At least as far as I have gotten. Since most of the enemies are NPCs, I just found one that was similiar in either volos or the monster manual. It was very easy to do. I am planning on running it for my group when xanathars guide to everything drops.

Blackjack Curse Of The Crimson Throne

You return to Zalleras home only to discover that she is there. She reveals to you that she has been dead for some time now and that her soul has attached itself on to her dearest possession. Her harrow deck. She entrusts it to your care and tells you that she will help you when she can. However, her powers weaken the more she uses it, so she will not be able to manifest herself to you again.

You return to the streets, only to find that the city has erupted into chaos. The king is dead, and with his death, his much younger wife takes the crown. A lot of the city takes this news badly and sees her as a gold digger that has no place on the throne (at best, a lot whisper that she is the one behind the Kings’ death). It becomes impossible to travel through the city without finding signs of riots.

You find a member of the royal guard named Grau stumbling drunkenly on the streets. You help him get back to Citadel Volshynek (the guard fortress reciding inside the town) where they take care of him.

You travel to the imperial palace in hope of getting a reward for “finding” the royal brooch. There you are greeted with hostility (most likely due to the fact that half the city wants to murder the current regent). Once it is clear that you are not there to start trouble, you are brought before the queen who thanks you for returning the brooch and awards you with 1200 GP. She sees that you are a capable group of adventurers and asks you if you are interested in helping her get the city under control. You accept and are sent to speak to the captain of the guard.


You arrive at Citadel Volshynek and meet with the captain of the guard, Cressida Kroft. She welcomes you and offers you a permanent lodging in the barracks if needed. You decline stating that you already have found lodging in the citys biggest tavern. She sends you on a mission to deal with a deserter of the guard, Verik Vancaskerkin. Who has convinced several other guards that the queen will ruin this city. You agree to this mission.

Verik has set up shop in an abandon butchery. He and his henchmen have started to pose as butchers and are handing out free meat to any person who comes to the shop and asks for it, in an attempt to win more people for their cause you suspect. You infiltrate the butchery in the night, hoping to catch the deserters by surprise.

Blackjack Curse Of The Crimson Throne

You “deal” with Verik and the other desserts, loot the butchers shop (a silver dagger looted from Verik, 450 GP found under a floorboard) and return to Kroft for your reward.

Some time passes, and Kroft contacts you for another mission. She invites you to her office where she introduces you to an older gentleman known as Vencarlo Orisini, one of Korvosas most respected fencing masters. Although Vencarlo has always been an outspoken critic of the Korvosa government and ruling, it is clear that Kroft trusts him and values his advice.

You learn that Vencarlo has come to you with information regarding a Cheliax ambassador, that unless dealt with might mean more unrest in the city. Ambassador Darvayne Gios Amprei has a plan to introduce trade sanctions on Korvosa to further fuel the unrest in the city, and then buy a large part of the city after that the chaos has reduced the value. Fortunately Darvayne has his vices that you can use to undermine him. Vencarlo tells you that Daravayne makes regular visits to a place in old Korvosa called Eel’s end. Eel’s End is run by a man named Devargo Barvasi, known as the King Of Spiders (for all the webs of information he sits on). Vencarlo knows that any person assosiated with the guard would have a hard time getting into Eel’s End, and ask you to go there. Hoping that word to mouth regarding your involvement with Kroft hasn’t reached him yet. You agree to go there and find out what he knows about Amperei.

Arriving to Eel’s end you decide the easiest way of dealing with Dervargo is to try and Bribe him, he is after all a criminal… Dervargo aggrees to your bribe of 2000 gp for the information that he possesses. You learn that Dervargo broke into Ampereis mansion and stole a stack of letters belonging to him. The letters were between Amperei and a noblewoman from Cheliax, his lover. Dervargo has been selling the letters back to Amperei, one letter at a time. Making sure that the nobleman is the only one allowed to pick them up from Eel’s End (therefore his frequent visits). He hands over the last two letters to you saying “pleasure doing buisness with you”.

Blackjack curse of the crimson throne wiki

Curse Of The Crimson Throne Second Edition

You hand over the two letters to Kroft who quickly locks them in her safe. Stating that these will be useful in the future. You have earned yourself a deserving break and head back to the tavern.

Curse Of The Crimson Throne

Several weeks pass, and you get a message from Kroft asking you to meet here in her office. She tells you that the King’s assassin has been named by the queen (Trinia Sabor) and that the city is in turmoil trying to invoke mob justice on her. Kroft smells something fishy with this story and asks you to find the girl before the angry mob does. You head over to Trinia Sabors and investigate. Trinia, who thinks that she has been found by someone who wants to kill her tries to flee over the rooftops. You capture her and bring her to the guards, making sure that she will not be killed before she has stood trial.

Crimson Throne Pdf

While the girl is awaiting trial you are asked to find the body of a missing Shoanti boy. It has been stolen by grave robbers, and the Shoantai clan of Skoan-Quah demands that something is done to find the body. So that it can be burned and returned to the heavens. You investigate the robbery site, and find the entrance to an underground lair. Here you battle through swads of animated corpses and other horrors to finally find the boy, stitched together with other corpses to form a golem. You slay the golem and bring the body parts back to Kroft who rewards you for your service.

Pathfinder Curse Of The Crimson Throne

Trinia Sabors trial is here. And you are attending. The queen announces the verdict. Guilty, “off with her head!”. But wait, who is that? Blackjack, the cities infamous masked hero who has not been seen for years spring down from a nearby wall and stops the axe in its path forwards Trinias neck. He loudly proclaims “This is a sham of a trial. Let’s usher in justice instead of executing innocent girls. Down with the queen!”. Chaos erupts. For some reason you decide to help blackjack escape, saving him with a well-aimed arrow to the executioners back (luckely no one notices this).